My name is Andrea Micheli, I am the head of the Planning, Scheduling and Optimization (PSO) research unit in the Digital Industry center at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy.
I am the coordinator of the AIPlan4EU project and my research interests include Automated Planning and Scheduling, Formal Verification and Satisfiability Modulo Theory.
I am the main developer of the TAMER planner and of the PySMT library. Moreover, I coordinated the developemnt of the unified-planning library and I contributed to the development of the nuXmv model-checker.
My primary interest is Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling. I focused my research on the study of temporally expressive and uncontrollable domains in planning and I'm currently developing planning systems that take into account these aspects while reasoning.
I interested in the relationship between automated planning and Reinforcement Learning as a way for making planning more efficient and flexible.
I am also interested in Satisfiablility Modulo Theory especially in Linear and Non-linear Real Arithmetic and Quantified Theories as an enabling technology for my research in the area of optimal temporal planning.
My PhD thesis titled "Planning and Scheduling in Temporally Uncertain Domains" has been successfully defended at the University of Trento, Italy on January, 19th 2016.
The thesis won the following awards and recognitions:
The thesis and the relative additional materials are available from the buttons below.